… in a nutshell: Thanks for all the happy moments!
(contrary to what the photos might suggest, not all of them necessarily involved consumption of booze 😉 )

… in a slightly longer version:
The year started unemployed (self-chosen, not the end of the world), and saw the start of a new job in April, implantable pacemakers, good stuff, pleasant people!
Unemployment time was in part used to work on a fun review of Berlin bookstores, as well as getting an overview over the ever growing “library of Babel“!
Traveling was limited, but a short nice excursion to Elba, as well as the mandatory Vienna visit during Impulstanz Festival as well as a reload of Iceland Airwaves Festival in Reykjavik brought some dearly needed change of scenario.
Also on the books-front was a fun bookbinding course in Berlin (continuation this year) and the creation of an online catalogue of my library (not yet of Babel, but lets say the Library of Neukölln).
The revival of an old sewing machine also yielded new haptic experiences and moments of joy, concentration and Zen.
No big changes otherwise, Lucky says hi, he’s fine and brings different types of mice – dead or alive – from time to time.
Everything is kind of in the flow again. Much better than 2022 🙂
Cheers, yours as always galactically,
Bernie (aka La Marquise de Nouvelle Cologne)
Hallo Berni,
tolle Auswahl einiger deiner ‘happy moments’ 2023 – bei einigen durften wir ja dabei sein. Dass dir neben Job, ‘Haushalten’ mit Lucky und den diversen Hobbys auch weiterhin Zeit für viele solcher moments gelingen, hoffen wir sehr.
Das etwas ‘erstaunte’ Betrachten deiner ersten mit der (von dir reaktivierten) ‘Singer’ hergestellten Yukata nach (mit meiner Mithilfe!) verkehrtem Einsetzen eines Ärmels war ein letztendlich ‘funny moment’, der mir in Erinnerung bleiben wird!
Happy 2024, good health&luck and peace on earth!
Deine Mom
Happy to be part of those moments!