… scheint wieder ein geselliges Jahr gewesen zu sein!
Cheers to that, thanks for all the nice moments, und möge das chinesische Jahr der Schlange (ratet mal wer eine ist 😉 ) noch besser werden!

And now for the slightly longer version:
In an inverse scenario with respect to 2023, 2024 started employed, end ended unemployed, hehe. Like in the past, not the end of the world.
Traveling was again limited due to lack of …, well due to many things. But apart from the usual trips to Vienna, a nice long weekend in the Austrian alps in June had us celebrate mom and dad’s 75th (of last year). No Impulstanz visit in Vienna this year, but instead a week of Bildungszeit in Montpellier for brushing up my french coincided with Montpellier Danse, so the summer didn’t pass entirely dance-free. Thanks to Hans for some really nice days in Amsterdam (750 year anniversary – of Amsterdam, not of Hans or me 😉 ), and sunny and unexpectedly dry days in Bologna (after major flooding the week before) with Xandl, mom and dad in autumn provided long needed change of air, perspective and culinary focus.

(from left to right, top to bottom: Vienna, Dachstein Gletscher as seen from Bad Aussee, typical lunch in Montpellier, Amsterdam with Spinoza and Bologna with Galvani)
Another bookbinding class in April yielded nice results and a fun crafting time, so did a short bike repair course in August.
Easter Stretch Festival is by now a welcome yearly constant of introspection, and as in 2024 will be attended in 2025 again.
Cheers, yours as always galactically,
Bernie (aka La Marquise de Nouvelle Cologne)
I really adore these two nasty skinheads in Amsterdam. About to beat someone up, eh?