Sometimes, Uni is glad that the whole Zeppelin business is over and she can just hop on Air Dolomiti and fly over the alps to enjoy some Italian later summer/autumn sun. In Trieste, she was highly interested in the archeological sites!
It’s sauna-time, perkele!
Winter time is sauna time! Although sauna (swedish: bastu!) is fun all year round in my opinion. I categorize this post under “heart”, since it obviously does all the work during a sauna visit (together with the liver maybe 😉 )
Several hotel saunas have earned themselves a place in the archives during recent years, namely the ones in (from top to bottom): 25hours Hotel Hafencity, Hamburg, Scandic Paasi Hotel, Helsinki (last floor, master suite, ask for the “Yokohama Butterfly” 😉 ), Tree Sauna at Treehotel, Sweden.
A Haaße und a 16er-Blech
Kochte Haaße, aufg’schnidd’n, Senf schoaf, Pfeffaroni schoaf, Brot (Scheib’n, kan Buggl), 16er-Blech (Hüsn). Da muss bei einem einfachen Menschen einfach Freude aufkommen!
Uni in Iceland
Since her recent visit to Iceland, Uni digs all things lava-esque! She also got along well with the icelandic elves, who otherwise have been known to have their grumpy periods, especially once they’ve had a little bit too much Einstök!
Einstök Ale
Genuine viking beer … (ok, I admit, it’s a hipster beer B-)