The sound of these, is just pure music!
Der Klang von 100 Jahren

The sound of these, is just pure music!
3x Theater in Wien! “Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen” (Bernhard) – MIT Claus Peymann! – im Akademietheater, “Schön schön schön” Wittenbrink Liederabend (was Leichtes zwischendurch) in den Kammerspielen, und schlussendlich “Liebelei” (Schnitzler) im Theater in der Josefstadt.
Mit Otti Schenk. Nach der Vorstellung:
Er: Und, der Schenk?
Sie: – Unwahrscheinlich!
DAS ist Theater!
These crocus corms have been found at Rosendahls Trädgård in Stockholm recently and have found a new home on Adelgunde’s balcony now! Lets see how they like it there and if they show themselves next year!
These fabulous wine (or rather Absinthe!) art deco glasses (from around 1910) were recently found at Haben Will antiques shop, Munich (spoon and bottle from Absinth Depot Berlin):
Most of the Korean food IS actually delicious. You have to like Kimchi of course. The only thing we ate which was NOT served with Kimchi were the silk worm larvae. I wish they had been …