Deliberately not using the exact theme, but anyway a bit reminiscent of one of our most popular childhood TV series 😉 here comes the second track in my “Hammond House” series. Kumpel, ich brauch dich!

Deliberately not using the exact theme, but anyway a bit reminiscent of one of our most popular childhood TV series 😉 here comes the second track in my “Hammond House” series. Kumpel, ich brauch dich!
Verschenke dich, so stolz du bist,
Verschenke alles, was du hast!
Die Jugend ist ein flüchtiger Gast,
Der bald gegangen ist.
Gib dich einem armen Knaben,
Dem du keine Liebe wehrst,
Mach ihn reich, so wirst du erst,
Selber dich zu eigen haben.
Hermann Hesse. Truer words were never spoken.
One can never go wrong with a Sidecar.
Masdevallia are actually related to a similar genus named “Dracula”, guess why! Encyclia cochleata’s flowers are somewhat reminiscent of an octopus due to their tentacles, so this one has been baptised “Octopussy” 😉 What it lacks in color in comparison to it’s red, bloodsucking friend it compensates with it’s overwhelming perfume, which currently fills the entire bathroom!
A must before traveling to Italy: