First discovered in the international press section of Stockholm’s airport Arlanda, Frankie quickly became my frequent traveler’s reading of choice, both when traveling the skies of Europe as well as to go with Sunday midday coffee!

First discovered in the international press section of Stockholm’s airport Arlanda, Frankie quickly became my frequent traveler’s reading of choice, both when traveling the skies of Europe as well as to go with Sunday midday coffee!
Jean Paul, ich sage nur: JEAN PAUL RICHTER! (It is said that his wife always complained that the arrival of a new barrel of beer cheered him up much more than the arrival of a new child. Well Mrs.Richter… 😉 ) Wer da nicht Gusto bekommt zu lesen, dem ist nicht zu helfen:
… wie’s weitergeht kann man sich denken, und erkennt, dass sich in den letzten 200 Jahren nichts geändert hat, was die Blut- und Schweinsigel, die Kirchen- und Staatsfalken betrifft!
And the palme d’or for most superb perfume within the orchid collection so far goes to:
Greetings to all members and friends of Orkidéprat by the way!
What a great relief I felt when finding this in Monocle magazine:
I can go on buying books it seems! Good that I recently sold my TV in order to make space on the book shelf B-)