Category Archives: Brains

art, literature, thoughts, … all that stimulates the intellect

Asia. Loves. Cherries !

My second Asia experience led Björn and me to Tokyo for cherry blossom viewing! All senses apply in this crowded and super-busy megacity where everything from ultra-traditional to futuristically modern can be found. Fortunately it was impossible to loose Björn in the crowd – a blond lion’s mane in 1,85 above ground on top of a neon shirt was always easy to spot B-)

Skyscrapers, tea houses, manga, anime, Studio Ghibli, catbuses, wicked 60s vinyl, crowded streets with screaming screens and loudspeakers, quiet japanese gardens, lonely magnolia trees, rice merchants, labyrinthic train stations, hot green tea from vending machines, and of course cherry trees, cherry trees and more cherry trees!
Skyscrapers, tea houses, manga, anime, Studio Ghibli, catbuses, wicked 60s vinyl, crowded streets with screaming screens and loudspeakers, quiet japanese gardens, lonely magnolia trees, rice merchants, labyrinthic train stations, hot green tea from vending machines, and of course cherry trees, cherry trees and more cherry trees!


Eine Pleschinski-3er-Auswahl
Eine Pleschinski-3er-Auswahl

Der in München lebende Autor Hans Plenschinski gehört zu den jüngeren Zuwächsen in meinem Bücherregal, hat sich aber mit dem “Holzvulkan” sofort in die Top 10 geschrieben!