Newly discovered this year: amuseum. Amusing and sophisticated as well as nicely crafted, and can only be highly recommended!
Category Archives: Eyes
Aesthetics, movies, sunsets, … all things photonic!
Office Schlumbergera reloaded
The birth of a child often has unexpected side effects. I don’t mean rings under parental eyes and planetary overpopulation – these are the expected ones. In case of my office sharing colleague it brought about a) her maternal leave (still expected) and b) the move of her Schlumbergera, which had suffered years of neglect, from her desk to mine. Where it was repotted and henceforce watered! Uh, wow, novelty! It started growing new leaves and surprised me recently with six white flowers, three of which have now opened completely! Grande gioia! Lets see if a manage a similar miracle with her orchid 😉
The Big Gay Alphabet Coloring Book
Coloring, as we know (see here, and here), is a fabulous haptic experience and restores the Zen! The latest addition to the family of template books is particularly gleeful: The Big Gay Alphabet Coloring Book! I felt starting with “Ice cream” was a good choice in view of the approaching end of summer:
It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing !
Grand outfits were on display, worn by grand people at Björn’s sister’s Stina 30th birthday party, which took place at the very fitting Gräfsnes Slottsruin, outside Gothenburg. 1890-1930, light colours, safari, were the instructions for the dresscode, given by the fabulous hostess of the evening, and were followed nicely by around three dozen ladies, gents and undecided with an air of nonchalance. Part of the fun was the week long hunt for suitable garments and accessories which preceded the event, at places like Vintage Berlin, Bonnie and Kleid (ibid.), Herr Judit, Stockholm, or Haben Will, Munich. And yes: ALLA på tunnelbanan i Berlin har ju Monokel!!
Pack die Badehose ein, …
… aber bis zum Wannsee kamen wir nicht, sondern “nur” bis zum Botanischen Garten in Dahlem. Dort gibt’s allerlei Erstaunliches, wie z.B. ein Glashaus mit Türmchen (jaja, da war noch Geld übrig!), japanische Magnolien mit riesenhaften Blättern, Ribiseln (Johannisbeeren!) mit ebensolchen Früchten und einen Duft- und Tastgarten!