Category Archives: Hands

Hugs, fabrics, moss, … haptic experiences!


Nun hat also die Mobilität des 3.Jahrtausends auch bei mir Einzug gehalten, und zwar in Form eines … Unu-corns! 🙂 (siehe auch Unu Motors) Die beiden Batterien werden natürlich mit Strom aus 100% Windkraft geladen, daheim im Abstellraum, und bringen mich ungefähr je 40-45km durch Berlin (je nachdem ob ich auf der Karl-Marx-Allee Rücken- oder Gegenwind habe). Mittlerweile sind 200km gefahren, Unucorn navigiert sämtliche Berliner Terrains souverän und der phantastische Altweibersommer verlängert die handschuhlose Saison auf’s Vorzüglichste, sprich: er ist der Angenehmste. Go Unucorn! (category “ears” is awarded for the silence of the electric motor)

Unucorn upon arrival and on one of its excursions (on the way back from Köpenick a stopover at Der Holländer Pflanzencenter was imperative :) )
Unucorn upon arrival and on one of its excursions (on the way back from Köpenick a stopover at Der Holländer Pflanzencenter was imperative 🙂 )

Coffee corner manga wall

One of the most wicked and fab clothes stores of Tokyo is located in the Koenjikita suburb and didn’t just set Björn and me back more than a few Yen, but also disclosed a very impressive interior decoration idea, which I allowed myself to copy for the coffee corner of my new Berlin home: walls fully covered in japanese manga cutouts! I restricted myself to a vertical stripe though, instead of doing the entire apartment B-) Cutouts are from three different random mangas I purchased at Scifi bokhandeln in Stockholm recently. Producing the panel (substrate of very stiff paper/cartonage with pages of manga comic books individually glued on with photo glue spray) was quite a nice haptic piece of work. The panel is nailed to the wall and can thus be easily removed again. The lips and nose tag of this post is of course for the smell and tase of the coffee which is intrinsically linked to looking at the wall! Arigatooooooooooooo Tokyooooooooooo!

Something to look at, while coffee extraction is going on ...
Something to look at, while coffee extraction is going on …

Asia. Loves. Cherries !

My second Asia experience led Björn and me to Tokyo for cherry blossom viewing! All senses apply in this crowded and super-busy megacity where everything from ultra-traditional to futuristically modern can be found. Fortunately it was impossible to loose Björn in the crowd – a blond lion’s mane in 1,85 above ground on top of a neon shirt was always easy to spot B-)

Skyscrapers, tea houses, manga, anime, Studio Ghibli, catbuses, wicked 60s vinyl, crowded streets with screaming screens and loudspeakers, quiet japanese gardens, lonely magnolia trees, rice merchants, labyrinthic train stations, hot green tea from vending machines, and of course cherry trees, cherry trees and more cherry trees!
Skyscrapers, tea houses, manga, anime, Studio Ghibli, catbuses, wicked 60s vinyl, crowded streets with screaming screens and loudspeakers, quiet japanese gardens, lonely magnolia trees, rice merchants, labyrinthic train stations, hot green tea from vending machines, and of course cherry trees, cherry trees and more cherry trees!


Backsteine sind nicht nur pizzatauglich, sondern lassen auch Brotteige rakentengleich im Ofen emporschießen, dass das Mehl nur so staubt! Die Adler-Mühle Bahlingen hat zum Beispiel die passenden Mehle (das 812er Weizen hat mir Björn als “working horse” ans Herz gelegt). Am hauseigenen Sauerteig, auch genannt “Url“, wird momentan noch herumexperimentiert, fart my little yeastlings, fart!! B-)

Thanks to Björn and Helene Johansson (not related) fabulously fluffy (inside) and crispy (outside) bread creations succeed!
Thanks to Björn and Heléne Johansson (not related) fabulously fluffy (inside) and crispy (outside) bread creations succeed!

“Winter” hats by Massimiliano Amicucci

A recent visit to Massimiliano Amicucci’s workshop in Rome left us not just with two fabulous “winter” hats (we assured him that the climates in our respective towns of residence, Munich and Berlin, asked for a warm hat during a period spanning far more than just the astronomic winter duration), but above all also with the finding that he’s not merely an amazing artist but also a really great guy personally! During the christmas and new year’s holidays, we therefore gave them a grand première at no lesser location than Kitkatclub Berlin, where they (and thus we) were VERY well received. Happy New Year and don’t forget your hats, it’s icy cold outside!

With style through the winter.
With style through the winter. Rabbit felt hats with leather application respectively parrotfish skin.